laser hair remove at home

Laser Hair Removal At Home: Never Shave Or Wax Again 

Everyone wants perfectly smooth, hairless legs but the endless moisturizing, shaving, and painful waxing can be a hassle and a real time sink in your day. You may have thought about a bit more permanent solutions like laser hair removal but have been put off by the cost or the whole, luxury service that’s not necessary when you can just shave, aspect of it.

Fortunately, you’re no longer forced to book pricey salon appointments where you may have to undress and bend in awkward positions for some poor but completely professional esthetician. Laser hair removal at home is now a possibility and is now accessible and affordable for the masses with the advent of at-home devices.

They’re safe enough to be used at home by a non-professional while still being almost just as effective as professional standard equipment that you’d get at a salon.

The Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

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Imagine waking up with silky smooth skin every day, without the need to reach for a razor or endure the pain of waxing. Laser hair removal offers precisely that – a long-term solution to unwanted hair. Simply put, laser hair removal gets rid of hair and prevents it from growing back, leaving you with baby smooth skin with no ingrown hairs, irritations, or the other effects that come with shaving and waxing.

It can’t be said that it’s a completely permanent solution as results may vary per person. Some people may experience complete hair removal and no regrowth with just a few laser hair removal sessions. Many others need to get touch up maintenance sessions every few months to keep the hair from regrowing.

How Laser Hair Removal Works

Laser hair removal works by targeting the pigment in hair follicles with concentrated light energy. The laser light is focused on the hair follicle, which is the tiny sac from which each hair grows. The heat from the laser damages the hair follicle, which affects its ability to grow new hair.

laser hair remove at home

After a series of treatments, the damaged hair follicles may stop producing new hair altogether, or at least slow down the growth significantly. It’s like putting a stop sign for hair growth, giving you smoother skin for a longer period of time.

Cost Comparison: Professional Sessions vs. At-Home Devices

laser hair remove at home

Professional laser hair removal sessions can cost anywhere from $200 to $500 per session, depending on the area being treated. Most people require multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results, which can quickly add up in cost. 

On the other hand, at-home laser hair removal devices range from $50 to $300, offering a more affordable alternative for long-term hair removal. While the initial investment may seem higher, the cost is only a one time thing that will last multiple years, making at-home devices a financially savvy choice.

How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Last?

laser hair remove at home

Results from laser hair removal vary from person to person and depend on factors like skin type, hair color, and hormonal fluctuations. While laser hair removal offers long-term reduction in hair growth, it may not lead to permanent hair removal for everyone.

At-home laser hair removal devices typically tend to be weaker than professional equipment and may require more frequent sessions over a longer period of time to see final results. Different brands may vary, but on average, you’ll need to do a laser hair removal session once every 2-3 weeks for up to 3-6 months. 

From then on you’ll see a 70-90% reduction in hair growth. However, some fine or lighter hairs may still remain and may only need to touch-up the area once every 6-12 months to maintain desired results. 

Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

laser hair remove at home

Overall, while laser hair removal may cause some discomfort, it is generally well tolerated by most people, and any discomfort is slight and temporary. Many people report feeling nothing at all while others say they experience an electric zapping or stinging sensation. 

The level of pain varies from person to person and depends on factors like the sensitivity of your skin, the area being treated, and your pain tolerance. Often, the first few sessions may hurt the most as hair follicles are still thick, but as your hair starts to thin out, it will hurt less and less.

Best At-Home Laser Hair Removal Devices

Ulike Laser Hair Removal With Sapphire Ice-Cooling System

laser hair remove at home

The Ulike Laser Hair Removal device offers nearly painless hair removal from the comfort of home. Featuring patented Sapphire Ice-Cooling touch technology, it ensures painless treatment with an ice-cooling sensation. Its advanced technology and cooling system make it suitable for head-to-toe hair removal, including legs, arms, armpits, and the bikini area. The Auto-Glide Mode with fast flash enables quick full-body treatments at home.

Key Features:

  • Patented Sapphire Ice-Cooling touch technology for painless treatment
  • Results in noticeable hair reduction within just 3 weeks
  • Suitable for head-to-toe hair removal, including legs, arms, and bikini area

Review: “The hair that is growing back is much thinner and less noticeable, and I think with more use it will almost completely disappear. I am SO happy I decided to try this out and I think it was completely worth it, especially for my self esteem.”

XSOUL Dermaflash Pro Laser Hair Removal

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The XSOUL Dermaflash Pro laser hair removal device uses advanced IPL technology with 6 energy levels and a maximum output of 15.3J for professional grade results at home. Experience significant reduction in hair growth in less than four weeks for a shorter process and increased comfort. With both automatic and manual modes, it provides complete hair removal on the entire body, featuring specific modes designed for different areas to ensure optimal efficiency.

Key Features:

  • Advanced IPL technology with 6 energy levels and a maximum output of 15.3 joules
  • Over 999,999 flashes for years of reliable use
  • significant reduction in hair growth in less than four weeks

Review: “I have dark hair and light skin, and three weeks in my targeted hair is already becoming patchy, with some parts of my leg growing no hair at all after two sessions. Ingrown hairs have drastically reduced and hairs are growing back thinner than before.”

Tria Beauty Hair Removal Laser 4X

laser hair remove at home

Known for its powerful performance and ergonomic design, the Tria 4X Laser Removal device offers professional-grade results in the comfort of your home. It comes with a sleek handheld design and is powered by an internal battery, while most IPL devices require a cord during use. Tria’s laser devices provide controlled precision on each treatment area, targeting each follicle at a much deeper level. For more permanent results, treat the area once every 2 weeks until desired result has been reached.

Key Features:

  • Designed to work on naturally light brown to black body hair
  • Results can be seen as quick as 2 weeks
  • Less intense light emission, ideal for sensitive eyes

Review: “1. It hurts. This isn’t for someone who freaks out at a slight sting. IT HURTS. 2. It takes time. Its not instantaneous! 3. It works.”

Braun Silk-Expert Pro 5 IPL Hair Removal System

laser hair remove at home

Featuring SensoAdapt technology, the Braun Silk-Expert Pro 5 includes 10 energy levels and automatically adjusts the intensity based on your skin tone, ensuring precise and efficient treatment. With fast flash intervals and gentle mode for sensitive areas, it’s suitable for all skin types. It uses Intense Pulsed Light laser technology that targets the pigment in your hair, making it lighter in appearance and helping to break the cycle of hair re-growth.

Key Features:

  • Visible hair reduction in just 3-4 weeks
  • Works quickly with flashes up to 125 times per minute
  • Over 400,000 flashes for long-term use

Review: “I’ve used it for about 5 weeks now (5 sessions), and after the second session there was already a marked lessening of new hair growth. I was so happy. After 5 sessions I need to shave maybe once a week. Even then, I could get away with even less and no one would notice.”

Remington iLight Ultra Face & Body Hair Removal System

laser hair remove at home

Engineered with ProPulse technology, the Remington iLight Ultra delivers professional quality results for both face and body hair removal. It uses professional standard Intense Pulsed Light technology that includes a powerful 16 Joules per flash for greater hair reduction in fewer treatments. The iLight Ultra system works best on medium to darker hair colors and is less effective on lighter hair colors like light blonde or red. Treated hair can be expected to fall out within 7-10 days leaving smoother looking and feeling skin.


  • Up to 66-94% hair reduction in just 3 treatments
  • Powerful 16 Joules per flash for quick work
  • FDA cleared and clinically proven

Review: “I can tell you that after using the product for only a couple of months, it does work. I can see a definite reduction in hair growth. I have used the product on my face, underarms, bikini area, and legs.”

HAPPY CURVES Beam IPL Laser Hair Removal Device

laser hair remove at home

The Happy Curves Beam IPL laser hair removal device that uses Intense Pulsed Light technology and is designed for versatility and safety at home. It’s suitable for naturally dark blonde, brown, and black hair, as well as various skin tones from pale white to light brown. Equipped with an integrated safety system, The Beam ensures safe and effective hair removal by activating only upon skin contact. With 600,000 light flashes, The Beam offers long-lasting value, equivalent to a 20-year lifetime, providing a cost-effective solution for at-home laser hair removal.

Key Features:

  • A weekly treatment for 8 weeks is recommended for best results
  • Utilizes Intense Pulsed Light technology with UV protection sunglasses for added safety
  • 600,000 light flashes equivalent to a 20-year lifetime

Review: “Two or three 10-minute sessions per week on my arms, and voila—hair growth is noticeably slowing down! The device is a breeze to use with its gliding automatic mode—quick and painless.”

How to Do Laser Hair Removal at Home

While doing your first at-home laser hair removal session can seem daunting, it’s really a simple and painless method that’s easy to master. Be sure to follow the specific device’s instructions and you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. These devices are made where it’s hard to cause real damage so long as you’re using it correctly.

Choose the Right Device: First, pick a laser hair removal device that’s suitable for home use. There are many options available, so make sure to choose one that’s FDA-approved and suitable for your skin tone and hair type.

Read the Instructions: Before you start, carefully read the instructions manual that comes with your device. Pay close attention to any safety precautions and recommended settings.

Prepare Your Skin: Shave the area you want to treat a day or two before using the laser. This ensures that the laser can target the hair follicles more effectively without burning the surface hair.

Test Patch: Before treating a larger area, do a small test patch on a less visible area of your skin to make sure you don’t have any adverse reactions to the laser.

Apply the Laser: Hold the laser device against your skin and press the button to emit the laser pulse. Move the device slowly across the treatment area, overlapping slightly with each pass. Avoid holding the laser over one spot for more than a few seconds. 

Repeat Treatments: Depending on the device and your hair growth cycle, you may need multiple treatments spaced a few weeks apart to see the final results. Follow the recommended treatment schedule provided by the manufacturer. Touch-ups after a few months may be required to maintain no hair regrowth.

Aftercare: After each treatment session, soothe your skin with a gentle moisturizer or aloe vera gel. Avoid exposing the treated area to direct sunlight and wear sunscreen to protect your skin.

Monitor Progress: Keep track of your progress over time. You should start to see a reduction in hair growth after a few sessions, but full results may take several months.

Risks of Laser Hair Removal at Home

Doing your own laser hair removal at home is pretty safe, but there are a few things to watch out for. First off, there’s a chance of skin irritation like redness, swelling, or pigment changes, especially if you don’t use the device correctly. Since you’re not a pro, you might accidentally set the laser too high and end up with burns or blisters. Plus, without proper training, there’s a risk of scarring if things go wrong. 

Also, if you don’t follow the instructions carefully, you could damage your eyes with the laser light. Obviously, don’t stare at the light and wear goggles if your device is very bright. And just like with professional treatments, there’s still a chance of hair regrowth or even infection if you’re not careful with hygiene. 

Additional Products for At-Home Laser Hair Removal

In addition to your chosen at-home laser hair removal device, consider incorporating the following products into your routine for enhanced comfort and effectiveness:

  • Cooling Gel: Apply a cooling gel or numbing cream to the treatment area before using your laser device to minimize discomfort and protect the skin.
  • Exfoliating Scrub: Use an exfoliating scrub regularly to prevent ingrown hairs and ensure smooth, even results from your laser hair removal treatments.
  • Moisturizing Lotion: Keep your skin hydrated and nourished with a moisturizing lotion or cream to soothe any redness or irritation post-treatment.

Recommended Products:

XSOUL Cooling Gel for Laser Hair Removal – Facial and Body Gel

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